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Sche­du­le a Meeting with Us to pre­sent your idea or discuss any con­cerns you may have abo­ut ente­ring the Chi­ne­se mar­ket. By leve­ra­ging our exper­ti­se and the expe­rien­ce of our part­ners, we will find the best solu­tion for your company.

Our Services:

  • Deve­lo­ping an effec­ti­ve mar­ket entry stra­te­gy for China
  • Com­pre­hen­si­ve sup­port for M&A processes
  • Assi­stan­ce in fin­ding a relia­ble Chi­ne­se part­ner and arran­ging spe­cia­li­zed busi­ness meetings
  • Orga­ni­zing meetings with indi­vi­du­als and enti­ties that have suc­ce­eded in the Chi­ne­se mar­ket or in coope­ra­tion with Chi­ne­se com­pa­nies to exchan­ge know­led­ge and experiences
  • Con­duc­ting mar­ket, sec­tor, and com­pe­ti­ti­ve analysis
  • Legal and tax advi­so­ry services
  • Con­sul­ting on employ­ment mat­ters in both Chi­na and Poland
  • Assi­stan­ce in set­ting up an offi­cial WeChat account

Each case we han­dle is uni­que, so we invi­te you to con­tact us for a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­tion to discuss the deta­ils of your project.

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