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Our Experience in Organizing China-Related Events

We have many years of expe­rien­ce in orga­ni­zing a wide ran­ge of Chi­na-rela­ted events. Exam­ples of events we orga­ni­ze include:

  • Busi­ness mis­sions to China
  • Semi­nars and con­fe­ren­ces on tra­de and investment
  • Meetings with high-level Chi­ne­se dele­ga­tions visi­ting Poland
  • Enga­ge­ments with govern­ment offi­cials, busi­ness exe­cu­ti­ves, pri­va­te entre­pre­neurs, finan­cial insti­tu­tions, and indu­stry experts
  • Direct meetings with Polish and Chi­ne­se regu­la­tors to faci­li­ta­te tra­de and inve­st­ment cooperation
  • Media events aimed at pro­mo­ting a posi­ti­ve ima­ge of Polish busi­ness and Polish-Chi­ne­se eco­no­mic collaboration

Bey­ond custom events for exter­nal part­ners, we also regu­lar­ly organize:

  • Annu­al mem­ber meetings, com­bi­ned with a con­fe­ren­ce on eco­no­mic and inve­st­ment coope­ra­tion betwe­en Poland and China
  • Recur­ring networ­king events, panel discus­sions, con­fe­ren­ces, and indu­stry workshops

Each part­ner­ship is tailo­red to spe­ci­fic needs and bud­get requ­ire­ments. Feel free to reach out via ema­il or pho­ne to discuss your plan­ned event, and we will pre­pa­re a custo­mi­zed pro­po­sal for you.

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