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We offer English-Chi­ne­se and Chi­ne­se-English trans­la­tions, both oral and writ­ten, inc­lu­ding cer­ti­fied trans­la­tions. We also pro­vi­de inter­pre­ter assi­stan­ce for busi­ness trips to Chi­na.

All our trans­la­tors have many years of expe­rien­ce wor­king with the Chi­ne­se lan­gu­age in a busi­ness environment.

Feel free to con­tact us direc­tly. Due to the com­ple­xi­ty of the Chi­ne­se lan­gu­age and the vary­ing levels of spe­cia­li­za­tion requ­ired for dif­fe­rent assi­gn­ments, each requ­est is pri­ced indi­vi­du­al­ly.

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