Polish Chinese Business Council has been founded in 2013. The mission of the Polish Chinese Business Council is to integrate the people interested in the development of Polish-Chinese economic relations from business, academic and public administration circles. We provide our members and partners with information on the economy of China, its principles of functioning, development trends, consumer preferences, industry reports etc. Our added value is the whole range of provided services such as verification of trustworthiness of Chinese companies, legal and tax advisory, among others. The body of our members is comprised of Polish and international enterprises.
The members of the Council combine their experience in building stronger and lasting relationships with China. Knowing the role of mutual rapprochement and understanding on the cultural level in creating a business partnership, we place emphasis on combining bilateral economic events with the promotion of Polish culture. At the same time, we support the Chinese side in functioning on the Polish market and creating a space where economic activities can go hand in hand with spreading knowledge about Chinese society and culture.
Tightening and intensifying economic and cultural exchange requires a lot of work and effort, which we are ready to undertake, counting on your effective cooperation.
Polish Chinese Business Council is a member of the EU-China Business Association and a founding member of International Commercial Dispute Prevention and Settlement Organization (ICDPASO). We are also a strategic partner of the Department of Asian Studies of SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, Ph.D. – economist, who has had a successful career in the investment funds sector. Over the years, he worked for Deloitte, and served as board member and member of supervisory boards of many companies in the telecommunications, construction, and furniture sectors. Currently, he is President of the Polish Chinese Business Council.
Selected regular activities

ChinaTalk is a series of interviews with leading global experts on China and East Asia, produced jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council (PCBC) and SWPS University. Interviews are hosted by PCBC President, Mr. Zbigniew Niesiobędzki, and Professor Marcin Jacoby, Head of the Department of Asian Studies at SWPS University.
ChinaTalk brings you the latest knowledge on the economy, social issues, management, and politics of China and East Asia. Our guest interpret the current developments and trends in the Chinese economy, and predict global, regional and bilateral outcomes of political decisions.
Chinese relations with the European Union, and Poland in particular, constitute an important context of these discussions. The expert insights provide valuable input for business practitioners, analysts, as well as researchers and students interested in macroeconomics and global trade.
Asian Business Club

Asian Business Club is a series of meetings organized jointly by the Polish Chinese Business Council and SWPS University. Its goal is to gather experts on different aspects of Polish-Asian economic relations together with government officials, in order to create a space for a free discussion, exchange of experiences and ideas.
Contest for the best graduation thesis on the contemporary Polish-Chinese economic cooperation

Polish Chinese Business Council organizes a yearly contest for the best graduation thesis on the contemporary Polish-Chinese economic cooperation. During the first four editions we have received entries from students representing over 20 universities in Poland and abroad. The contest is a way to create and promote young leaders of the Polish-Chinese cooperation and has proven to kick-start academic and professional careers of its winners, as the prizes include scholarships in China and internships in leading China-oriented enterprises. The contest receives honorary patronages of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Poland, the Ministry of Science and Education and the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology.
Contact us
For cooperation and enquiries please contact us by e‑mail: biuro@pchrb.pl