Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Coun­cil has been foun­ded in 2013. The mis­sion of the Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Coun­cil is to inte­gra­te the people inte­re­sted in the deve­lop­ment of Polish-Chi­ne­se eco­no­mic rela­tions from busi­ness, aca­de­mic and public admi­ni­stra­tion circ­les. We pro­vi­de our mem­bers and part­ners with infor­ma­tion on the eco­no­my of Chi­na, its prin­ci­ples of func­tio­ning, deve­lop­ment trends, con­su­mer pre­fe­ren­ces, indu­stry reports etc. Our added value is the who­le ran­ge of pro­vi­ded servi­ces such as veri­fi­ca­tion of tru­stwor­thi­ness of Chi­ne­se com­pa­nies, legal and tax advi­so­ry, among others. The body of our mem­bers is com­pri­sed of Polish and inter­na­tio­nal enterprises.

The mem­bers of the Coun­cil com­bi­ne the­ir expe­rien­ce in buil­ding stron­ger and lasting rela­tion­ships with Chi­na. Kno­wing the role of mutu­al rap­pro­che­ment and under­stan­ding on the cul­tu­ral level in cre­ating a busi­ness part­ner­ship, we pla­ce empha­sis on com­bi­ning bila­te­ral eco­no­mic events with the pro­mo­tion of Polish cul­tu­re. At the same time, we sup­port the Chi­ne­se side in func­tio­ning on the Polish mar­ket and cre­ating a spa­ce whe­re eco­no­mic acti­vi­ties can go hand in hand with spre­ading know­led­ge abo­ut Chi­ne­se socie­ty and culture.

Tigh­te­ning and inten­si­fy­ing eco­no­mic and cul­tu­ral exchan­ge requ­ires a lot of work and effort, which we are ready to under­ta­ke, coun­ting on your effec­ti­ve cooperation.

Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Coun­cil is a mem­ber of the EU-Chi­na Busi­ness Asso­cia­tion and a foun­ding mem­ber of Inter­na­tio­nal Com­mer­cial Dispu­te Pre­ven­tion and Set­tle­ment Orga­ni­za­tion (ICDPASO). We are also a stra­te­gic part­ner of the Depart­ment of Asian Stu­dies of SWPS Uni­ver­si­ty of Social Scien­ces and Humanities.

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Zbigniew Niesiobedzki


Zbi­gniew Nie­sio­będz­ki, Ph.D. – eco­no­mist, who has had a suc­cess­ful care­er in the inve­st­ment funds sec­tor. Over the years, he wor­ked for Delo­it­te, and served as board mem­ber and mem­ber of super­vi­so­ry boards of many com­pa­nies in the tele­com­mu­ni­ca­tions, con­struc­tion, and fur­ni­tu­re sec­tors. Cur­ren­tly, he is Pre­si­dent of the Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Council.

Selected regular activities 


ChinaTalk Gordon Orr

Chi­na­Talk is a series of inte­rviews with leading glo­bal experts on Chi­na and East Asia, pro­du­ced join­tly by the Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Coun­cil (PCBC) and SWPS Uni­ver­si­ty. Inte­rviews are hosted by PCBC Pre­si­dent, Mr. Zbi­gniew Nie­sio­będz­ki, and Pro­fes­sor Mar­cin Jaco­by, Head of the Depart­ment of Asian Stu­dies at SWPS University.

Chi­na­Talk brings you the latest know­led­ge on the eco­no­my, social issu­es, mana­ge­ment, and poli­tics of Chi­na and East Asia. Our guest inter­pret the cur­rent deve­lop­ments and trends in the Chi­ne­se eco­no­my, and pre­dict glo­bal, regio­nal and bila­te­ral out­co­mes of poli­ti­cal decisions.

Chi­ne­se rela­tions with the Euro­pe­an Union, and Poland in par­ti­cu­lar, con­sti­tu­te an impor­tant con­text of the­se discus­sions. The expert insi­ghts pro­vi­de valu­able input for busi­ness prac­ti­tio­ners, ana­ly­sts, as well as rese­ar­chers and stu­dents inte­re­sted in macro­eco­no­mics and glo­bal trade.

Asian Business Club


Asian Busi­ness Club is a series of meetings orga­ni­zed join­tly by the Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Coun­cil and SWPS Uni­ver­si­ty. Its goal is to gather experts on dif­fe­rent aspects of Polish-Asian eco­no­mic rela­tions toge­ther with govern­ment offi­cials, in order to cre­ate a spa­ce for a free discus­sion, exchan­ge of expe­rien­ces and ideas.

Contest for the best graduation thesis on the contemporary Polish-Chinese economic cooperation

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Polish Chi­ne­se Busi­ness Coun­cil orga­ni­zes a year­ly con­test for the best gra­du­ation the­sis on the con­tem­po­ra­ry Polish-Chi­ne­se eco­no­mic coope­ra­tion. During the first four edi­tions we have rece­ived entries from stu­dents repre­sen­ting over 20 uni­ver­si­ties in Poland and abro­ad. The con­test is a way to cre­ate and pro­mo­te young leaders of the Polish-Chi­ne­se coope­ra­tion and has pro­ven to kick-start aca­de­mic and pro­fes­sio­nal care­ers of its win­ners, as the pri­zes inc­lu­de scho­lar­ships in Chi­na and intern­ships in leading Chi­na-orien­ted enter­pri­ses. The con­test rece­ives hono­ra­ry patro­na­ges of the Embas­sy of the People’s Repu­blic of Chi­na in Poland, the Mini­stry of Scien­ce and Edu­ca­tion and the Mini­stry of Deve­lop­ment, Labo­ur and Technology.

Con­tact us
For coope­ra­tion and enqu­iries ple­ase con­tact us by e‑mail: biuro@pchrb.pl

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